Thursday, August 29, 2019

Identity Theft preorder

Bob Avey

Author of the Detective Elliot Mystery Series


Preorder a copy of my new book

Identity Theft



My dear friends;



And: If you purchase the book prior to the publication date of January 9, 2020, you may use the promo code: PREORDER2019 to receive a 15% discount.

A preordered copy will process and ship on or prior to the release date. Identity Theft will then become available for sale online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and more... typically on or a few days after the publication date.


Or, if you would like to receive a free (More or Less) paperback copy of Identity Theft, please read the following:

Identity Theft, the fourth book in the Detective Elliot series is scheduled to be released January 09, 2020. I am reaching out to my loyal readers to ask you to join the Identity Theft book launch team. The book market has become super competitive and the success of a new book depends on grassroots marketing and word of mouth. The purpose of team ID Theft, should you decide to accept the assignment, is to spread the word about the book before and immediately after the January 09 launch date.

If you would like to join team ID Theft, please reply to with your name and address so I can provide you with a complimentary advanced copy of Identity Theft.

As a team member, here are some things you might do:



Do you know any radio or podcast hosts that might be interested in interviewing me about Identity Theft? Please let me know, or connect me.

Do you belong to a club or organization that would be interested in a guest speaker? Please tell them about me.


Word of Mouth:

Please suggest Identity Theft to the libraries and bookstores near you.

If you belong to a book club, please tell your club about the book and ask them to consider it as a club reading choice.

Recommend the book to your friends and acquaintances.


Social Media:

Please post about the book on the social media sites you frequent.


Book Reviews:

Please rate and review Identity Theft on Amazon, GoodReads, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and other platforms. Be sure to mention you received an advanced copy so they will know you are a legitimate reviewer. Please post all reviews on or immediately after the release date of January 09, 2020.

Thank you so much. I totally appreciate your help and support.


However, if the thought of joining anything or engaging in all that work gives you nightmares, there is an easy solution: Simply go to Amazon or other platform on the release date of January 09, 2020 and download a copy. Going that route, nothing else needs to be done, well, except for reading the book. You will want to do that. And after reading Identity Theft, you will be so filled with joy and excitement that you won’t be able to contain it and you will have to share your happiness with others.


Thank you for your continued support.

Bob Avey, Author of the Detective Elliot Mystery Series




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