Monday, May 27, 2019

Bob Avey's 2nd Quarter Newsletter 2019

Bob Avey’s 2nd Quarter 2019

Good morning discernable readers of Bob; or afternoon, or evening, whichever you prefer.
Twelve new and very intelligent people have signed up for this newsletter since the last time we talked. Welcome new readers. In appreciation, instead of the usual drawing-one-name-from-the-hopper thing for the free autographed copy, I will give the first three respondents an autographed copy of their choice – Chosen from one of my books of course – and all you have to do is send me an email at

Get ready for some highly anticipated, self-indulgent, and self-described good news. The long-awaited (I’m suddenly into hyphenated words) Fourth Novel in the highly-acclaimed (if only in my own mind) Detective Elliot mystery series is finally emerging from the dark depths of wherever it’s been. I am proud to announce that Black Rose Writing has accepted Identity Theft for publication. Cheers and celebration, along with stunningly beautiful fireworks, will soon erupt from all corners of the universe. Well, perhaps it will be contained to the galaxy. I do tend to exaggerate. At any rate, Identity Theft is currently scheduled to be released in January 2020.
Wait a minute. Everything suddenly went silent. I think I hear crickets chirping in the background. Please ignore that for now and concentrate on telling me what kind of contest would be best to launch Identity Theft into the world. More silence. I haven’t even finished this newsletter and already my audience has dwindled from the Universe to only the Earth. Send me an email at if you have any ideas, or if you just want to say, Hello.
And now for the soapbox derby:
We all, I believe, occasionally find ourselves in a position where we feel we should apologize for our behavior. Recently, a friend was trying to have a conversation with me about the Father and His Kingdom, but, at the time, my mind was too clouded by anger to properly respond. Later, after cooling down and thinking about it, I wrote the following text message:
The way I understand it, which admittedly is limited, God created us in His image. He loves us deeply and He wants us to love Him the same way. That’s why free will is so crucial to the equation. God does not want us to be mindless puppets or robots. He wants us to love Him of our own free will.
Anyway, you were partially correct when you said that you believed that God does not cause the suffering of anyone. He does not. But we do. God did not bring sin into the world; we did. Sin became so rampant, that God came to live among us as Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, Who died for our sins. All we have to do is accept that fact and then, on a daily basis, actually moment by moment, we have to choose either the Father and His ways, or Satan’s way. God does not expect or us to be perfect, just that we try to live as He wishes, and not superficially, but give forth an honest effort. God knows the difference because He knows our hearts.
So when anyone says that they refuse to be Christian because a true God would not allow little children, or anyone else to suffer, they are extremely misguided. God is God and we cannot turn that off or change it just by choosing to turn our heads.
I hope this helps. Anytime you want to talk about it, please feel free to reach out. From now on, I will try to have my thoughts aligned with God so I can respond properly.
God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.
We’ve all heard this in one form or another (Put a little love in your heart) but there is so much truth in it that it bears repeating. What we do and what we say matters. A kind word will lift someone up in many ways, and they will pass that on, the world will be a better place. But a harsh word or deed will hurt someone and bring them down and that they will pass on as well.
When the oppressed becomes the oppressor and the oppressor becomes the oppressed, what have we gained? Oppression is still oppression.
The things you say and the things you do to someone will forever be a part of their world, and a part of yours. At any given opportunity, you can choose to be negative and hurtful, or you can choose to be positive and helpful.
There is too much hate in the world, and regardless of which side you think you belong to or identify with, the hate or love that you release will live forever.

Please check out my writing at the link below:
Twisted Perception is now out in audiobook. Please click the link below:
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This article was written by Bob Avey, author of Twisted Perception, Beneath a Buried House, and Footprints of a Dancer.

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