Monday, November 19, 2012

Amazing Black Friday Deal

An Amazing Black Friday Deal
Not to be outdone by the big box stores, Bob Avey has put together an early Black Friday deal.
For two days, Footprints of a Dancer, the latest book in the Detective Elliot series will be Free, O, Zip, No cost to you for a Kindle download. If you do not have a Kindle, you can download a Free Kindle app from Amazon.  
What are the days?
Tuesday, November 20, and Wednesday, November 21.
Would you like to unwind before Thanksgiving with a good mystery? Or perhaps escape with a good book from a hectic day with relatives? Bob would love to help you with that. And to encourage you to try his Free Kindle download of Footprints of a Dancer, for those two days he’ll be offering a rock-solid money back guarantee. If for any reason the Free, Kindle download does not match your expectations, Bob will cheerfully refund your Free purchase.
Here is the link:

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