Sunday, October 11, 2020

Bob's 4th Quarter 2020 Newsletter


Hello friends and valued readers

The newsletter list continues to grow. Welcome new readers. In appreciation, I will give the first three respondents an autographed copy of their choice – Chosen from one of my books of course, Twisted Perception, Beneath a Buried House, Footprints of a Dancer, and now Identity Theft – and all you have to do is send me an email at

I continue to muddle along, struggling to regain my footing, and move forward up the steep slope of my valley, so as not to become stagnant, stuck in my grief.


On some level, we all realize our uniqueness. But during periods of great pain, knowledge of our individualism comes into acute focus and evolves into something not tolerable. We all suffer the loss of a loved one in our own way, and during these times we can feel not so much unique as alone, lost in a dark void and reaching out to others for help who have no way of understanding what we are going through, much less what to do about it.


I realize many people are experiencing grief and anxiety over the problems we all face in our currently troubled world, and I apologize for using what was once a humorous and uplifting newsletter as a soapbox for additional sadness. However, I must admit somewhat guiltily that the overpowering depression I am caught up in has nearly eclipsed all else.


However, in times like these, in which we feel overwhelmingly alone, there is someone we can turn to; our Father in Heaven, and Jesus Christ, His only Son, and our Lord and Savior.


Please pray for me and my family.


I love each of you and pray that God will bring peace and love to this world and His Kingdom.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for your continued support.





Please check out my writing at the link below:

Twisted Perception is now out in audiobook. Please click the link below:

I want to thank everyone who signed up for my Reader List. I hope you enjoy the newsletters and special mailings. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please forward this newsletter to them. We give away prizes on occasion, so stay tuned. Signing up is easy – just email your request to:

Or click here:

On the right side of any webpage, or the bottom if on a smart phone, you will find a notation that reads: Sign Up For Bob’s Newsletter. Put your email address in the box and hit subscribe. Not only will you be directed to a link for a free e-book, but will also be entered into a contest to win a free paperback copy.

I also give programs for writing clubs, reading groups, or any group that’s interested. If you belong to a club that needs a program speaker, keep me in mind.

You have permission to reprint, forward, or use the contents of this newsletter in your newsletter, blog, or e-zine. The only requirement is the inclusion of the following footer:

This article was written by Bob Avey, author of Twisted Perception, Beneath a Buried House, and Footprints of a Dancer.


Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Bob Avey's 3rd Quarter Blog 2020

Hello friends and valued readers
The newsletter list continues to grow. Welcome new readers. In appreciation, I will give the first three respondents an autographed copy of their choice – Chosen from one of my books of course, Twisted Perception, Beneath a Buried House, Footprints of a Dancer, and now Identity Theft – and all you have to do is send me an email at
Time marches on.

We had my sweet Kathi’s memorial service June 20, which I had to arrange and plan, choosing a date, picking out photographs for a video, and deciding on music. The process made worse an already grieving situation.

I am trying to get my writing going again. Unfortunately, a byproduct of depression is a foggy mind, which hinders the process of thinking. I find even mundane chores, such as reconciling a checkbook, difficult and compared to writing a novel a checkbook is falling-off-a-log. My publisher wants another Elliot novel and I’m having trouble with this newsletter. Once again, there is no comparison. I also have a time travel novel I was working on. I’m not a fast writer, but this book was flowing out of me like a wellspring, and then my world fell apart and my mind began to literally shut down. Sadly enough, my publisher is interested in this book as well. When I first pitched it, they were not interested, but, before the crash, I sent it to them anyway, ninety percent finished and completely unedited. Now they want the time travel book. All I have to do is finish it. That sounds easy enough, but it is not. It’s an extremely complex and complicated novel. Every time I pull it from the drawer, I feel like a three-year old trying to comprehend the works of Einstein.

I have explained the problem to my publisher and they have been extremely patient and understanding. I don’t know how long this will last. My marketing efforts for Identity Theft – a rather prophetic title looking back – have been nonexistent, and though the book started off with a bang it is now not selling well.

Please pray for me and my family.

I love each of you and pray that God will bring peace and love to this world and His Kingdom.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for your continued support.


Please check out my writing at the link below:
Twisted Perception is now out in audiobook. Please click the link below:
I want to thank everyone who signed up for my Reader List. I hope you enjoy the newsletters and special mailings. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please forward this newsletter to them. We give away prizes on occasion, so stay tuned. Signing up is easy – just email your request to:
Or click here:
On the right side of any webpage, or the bottom if on a smart phone, you will find a notation that reads: Sign Up For Bob’s Newsletter. Put your email address in the box and hit subscribe. Not only will you be directed to a link for a free e-book, but will also be entered into a contest to win a free paperback copy.
I also give programs for writing clubs, reading groups, or any group that’s interested. If you belong to a club that needs a program speaker, keep me in mind.
You have permission to reprint, forward, or use the contents of this newsletter in your newsletter, blog, or e-zine. The only requirement is the inclusion of the following footer:
This article was written by Bob Avey, author of Twisted Perception, Beneath a Buried House, and Footprints of a Dancer.

Monday, July 06, 2020

Bob Avey's 2nd Quarter Blog 2020

Hello friends,
The newsletter list continues to grow. Welcome new readers. In appreciation, I will give the first three respondents an autographed copy of their choice – Chosen from one of my books of course, Twisted Perception, Beneath a Buried House, Footprints of a Dancer, and now Identity Theft – and all you have to do is send me an email at
Things have been going badly for me, so this newsletter will be short. What started in mid-November as flu-like symptoms accompanied by a dense head-fog has escalated to the point of completely shutting me down both mentally and physically.

Please pray for me and my family.

I love each of you and pray that God will bring peace and love to this world and His Kingdom.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for your continued support.


Please check out my writing at the link below:
Twisted Perception is now out in audiobook. Please click the link below:
I want to thank everyone who signed up for my Reader List. I hope you enjoy the newsletters and special mailings. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please forward this newsletter to them. We give away prizes on occasion, so stay tuned. Signing up is easy – just email your request to:
Or click here:
On the right side of any webpage, or the bottom if on a smart phone, you will find a notation that reads: Sign Up For Bob’s Newsletter. Put your email address in the box and hit subscribe. Not only will you be directed to a link for a free e-book, but will also be entered into a contest to win a free paperback copy.
I also give programs for writing clubs, reading groups, or any group that’s interested. If you belong to a club that needs a program speaker, keep me in mind.
You have permission to reprint, forward, or use the contents of this newsletter in your newsletter, blog, or e-zine. The only requirement is the inclusion of the following footer:
This article was written by Bob Avey, author of Twisted Perception, Beneath a Buried House, and Footprints of a Dancer.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

First Quarter 2020 Blog

Hello friends,
Over 100 people have signed up for this newsletter since the last time we talked. That’s incredible. Welcome new readers. In appreciation, I will give the first three respondents an autographed copy of their choice – Chosen from one of my books of course, Twisted Perception, Beneath a Buried House, Footprints of a Dancer, and now Identity Theft – and all you have to do is send me an email at
As I compose this newsletter, a year has faded and a new one has begun. I pray 2020 – every time I write that date it seems like something from a futuristic Sci-Fi novel – will be a safe, happy, and prosperous year for everyone.

For me, 2019 was a year filled with ups and downs in many ways. However, in keeping with the thematic scope of the newsletter, Black Rose Writing decided to take a chance on my latest mystery novel, Identity Theft: A Kenny Elliot Mystery. I will be forever grateful to Black Rose and the wonderful staff. Unfortunately, due to some of the circumstances alluded to, I have not been able to promote the book properly. In that spirit, I humbly ask for everyone’s help and support. Identity Theft: A Kenny Elliot Mystery, is scheduled to be released January 09, 2020.

By the time many of you read this, the book will officially be released and on the market in both paperback and e-book formats. If you haven’t ordered a copy, I ask that you please consider it. The next time you are in a bookstore, ask them if they have a copy of Identity Theft: A Kenny Elliot Mystery. Ask your local library to consider carrying the book. Do you know any book bloggers, book reviewers or journalists who enjoy reading fiction? Please tell them about the book. For the journalists and professional book reviewers and bloggers, the book is available for review on NetGalley.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for your continued support.


Please check out my writing at the link below:
Twisted Perception is now out in audiobook. Please click the link below:
I want to thank everyone who signed up for my Reader List. I hope you enjoy the newsletters and special mailings. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please forward this newsletter to them. We give away prizes on occasion, so stay tuned. Signing up is easy – just email your request to:
Or click here:
On the right side of any webpage, or the bottom if on a smart phone, you will find a notation that reads: Sign Up For Bob’s Newsletter. Put your email address in the box and hit subscribe. Not only will you be directed to a link for a free e-book, but will also be entered into a contest to win a free paperback copy.
I also give programs for writing clubs, reading groups, or any group that’s interested. If you belong to a club that needs a program speaker, keep me in mind.
You have permission to reprint, forward, or use the contents of this newsletter in your newsletter, blog, or e-zine. The only requirement is the inclusion of the following footer:
This article was written by Bob Avey, author of Twisted Perception, Beneath a Buried House, and Footprints of a Dancer.