An Amazing Black Friday Deal
Not to be outdone by the big box stores, Bob Avey has put together an early Black Friday deal.
For two days, Footprints of a Dancer, the latest book in the Detective Elliot series will be Free, O, Zip, No cost to you for a Kindle download. If you do not have a Kindle, you can download a Free Kindle app from Amazon.
What are the days?
Tuesday, November 20, and Wednesday, November 21.
Would you like to unwind before Thanksgiving with a good mystery? Or perhaps escape with a good book from a hectic day with relatives? Bob would love to help you with that. And to encourage you to try his Free Kindle download of Footprints of a Dancer, for those two days he’ll be offering a rock-solid money back guarantee. If for any reason the Free, Kindle download does not match your expectations, Bob will cheerfully refund your Free purchase.
Here is the link: